Oceanic Engineering Society Distinguished Lecture titled “Auditory and Behavioral Effects of Noise in Marine Animals” with Dr. Brandon Southall on April 30, 2019
Chapter Executive
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Description of the IEEE Parent Society
The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society http://www.oceanicengineering.org/
Vision Statement: Our vision is to promote the objectives of the society around the world through networking, conferences and publications with a focus on the future through extensive support of our student and young professional members.
Mission Statement: The Society’s objectives are scientific, literary, and educational in character. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of electrotechnology, allied branches of engineering, and related arts and sciences, applied to all bodies of water; and the maintenance of high professional and ethical standards among its members and affiliates. The Society promotes close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members through publications and meetings. The Society fosters the technical and professional growth of its members.
Goals / Focus of the Local Chapter
History of the Local Chapter
Support Materials
Recent Events
Passive Acoustics for Ocean Observations
Auditory and Behavioral Effects of Noise in Marine Mammals
Underwater Communications: Challenges of the Acoustic Propagation Channel
Marine Robots: A Manifestation of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the Ocean Environment