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  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition
  • IEEE paper Competition


Canadian Atlantic Section News

OES Technical Talk

Title: Underwater Magnetic & Electromagnetic Sensors: New Applications and Recent Results from OFG’s iCP and Hypermag Systems for Marine Robotic Platforms

Please join the Canadian Atlantic, Vancouver, and Victoria Chapters of the Oceanic Engineering Society for an online joint technical session on underwater magnetic and electromagnetic sensors.

Hypermag is the next generation of OFG’s Self-Compensating Magnetometer (SCM) system for marine robotic platforms unlocking new applications for UXO, MCM, pipeline and AC/DC cable mapping and depth of burial with AUVs, ROVs, ROTVs and USVs. iCP is a non-contact Cathodic Protection (iCP) inspection system for subsea structures with AUVs, HAUVs and ROVs.  These systems and their applications will be introduced, including results from recent trials.

Attendance to this online event is open to both members and non-members.

Click here for more details and to register

C&S/SSC Joint Chapter Technical Talk

Title: Towards Autonomous Security: A Solution for the Evolving Threat Landscape
Speaker: Dr. Irfan Khan from Texas A&M University
Date and time: Thursday, November 16, 2023, 11:00h – 12:00h
Click here for more details and to register

October Networking Event

Location: The Mercantile Social, 1579 Hollis Street, Halifax
Date and time: Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 17:30h – 19:30h

May Networking Event

Location: The Old Triangle, 5136 Prince Street, Halifax
Date and time: Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 17:30h – 19:30h

March Networking Event

Location: The Old Triangle, 5136 Prince Street, Halifax
Date and time: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 17:30h – 19:30h

2022 IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section AGM

Event: IEEE CAS Annual General Meeting
Location: Atlantica Hotel, 1980 Robie St., Halifax
Date and time: Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 17:30h – 21:30h

17:30 – 18:00:  Networking
18:00 – 19:00:  Presentation
19:00 – 20:00:  Dinner and Awards
20:00 – 21:30:  Annual General Meeting

Full AGM details can be found here and to register

CCECE Events

CCECE 2022 is being held in Halifax this year and on Sunday September 18, we are running 4 tutorials/workshops, and you’re invited!In the morning (9 am – noon), take a deep dive into Meta-Learning (a machine learning approach that is showing great promise), or learn about how to find and use relevant codes and standards in their capstone projects, research work, and eventual careers.

Then in the afternoon (1:30 – 4:30 pm) there will be a hands-on workshop using an effective tool to understand data pipelines for ocean data collected on platforms like autonomous underwater vehicles, while professors and those who are interested in academic careers may join the continual curriculum improvement panel to learn about what is happening across Canada to advance engineering programs.


The detailed descriptions of these tutorials are available on the CCECE 2022 website: https://ccece2022.ieee.ca/tutorials/ 

Registration is open to everyone, but there is a special price of $30 for students.  Registration can be completed at this link: https://edas.info/r29368

We can be reached at tutorials@ccece2022.ieee.ca with any questions.  If you are interested but cannot afford the session, please get in touch with us.

Looking forward to meeting you there!


Oceans Decade

Click here for more details

2021 IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section AGM

Event: IEEE CAS Annual General Meeting
Location: Virtual via WebEx (Details available after registration)
Date and time: Thursday, December 16, 2021, 18:00h – 21:00h

18:00 – 18:15:  Networking
18:15 – 19:15:  Welcome address, and Technical Talk
19:15 – 19:30:  Awards
19:30 – 21:00:  Annual General Meeting


Full details can be found here


We released our latest newsletter issue to members on April 28, 2021. See the PDF here: CAS 2021 Newsletter, Issue 1

OCEANS 2024 Conference Set For Halifax

It was officially announced in late 2019 that Halifax was selected to host the OCEANS 2024 Conference. Earlier this year Christopher Whitt presented the conference to the local Ocean tech community as part of a virtual COVE Connector event. Check out the presentation here on Youtube.

2020 IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section AGM

Event: IEEE CAS Annual General Meeting
Location: Virtual via WebEx (Details available after registration)
Date and time: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 18:00h – 21:30h

18:00 – 18:45:  Networking
18:45 – 19:45:  Welcome address, and Technical Talk
19:45 – 20:00:  Awards
20:00 – 21:30:  Annual General Meeting


Full details can be found here

2019 IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section AGM

Event: IEEE CAS Annual General Meeting
Location: Saraguay House, 360, Purcell’s Cove Road, Halifax
Date and time: Thursday, December 5, 2019, 17:30h – 21:30h

17:30 – 18:00:  Networking
18:00 – 19:00:  Welcome address, and Technical Talk by John Wood and Tony Wright
19:00 – 20:00:  Dinner and Awards
20:00 – 21:30:  Annual General Meeting

IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section
Annual General Meeting 2019
Saraguay House, Halifax, December 5, 2019, 20:00h

Full AGM Agenda can be found here

Preliminary Agenda (Oct.29)

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Reading and Approval of AGM 2018 Minutes
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Reports
    1. Student Branch Reports
    2. Affinity Group Reports
    3. Chapter Reports
    4. Committee Reports
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
    1. [ Motions ]
  1. Final Call for Nominations for Executive Positions
  2. Election / Acclamations
  3. 2020 Budget Presentation and Acceptance.


Technical Talk: Perspectives on Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia

Speakers: John Woods (Minas Energy) and Tony Wright (FORCE)

Tony Wright’s presentation will provide a FORCE point-of-view on tidal power development and the challenge of  “working in water that moves over 20 kilometres an hour.”  John Woods will talk about two of the FORCE berths (A & C) from a developer’s perspective. These include a total of 21 x 420 MW units, connected in two arrays. He will highlight some points on interconnectivity.

More details on the AGM can be found at here.

Remembering Professor Mohamed “Mo” El-Hawary (1943-2019)

Earlier this year our Section lost one of its founding members and leaders, Professor “Mo” El-Hawary. We mourn his passing and express our condolences to his family. The Section Chair offered the following tribute at a Celebration of Mo’s life in Halifax on August 2, 2019. Remembering Mo – Tribute

The IEEE Spectrum recently published a tribute as well, which can be accessed at

A series of photographs and personal notes by friends and colleagues have been collated in the following collection: Mo Collections

Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)

Engineering Institute of Canada has provided below useful links for both employers and job seekers:

Employers, register using the below link:

Job seekers, register using the below link:

Employers can find the perfect candidate of the role. Job seekers can find their best engineering job. Please register and make use of these links.